Bible Verses About Our Hope of Seeing Loved Ones Again

As the years pass, this question looms larger in my thinking. Last twelvemonth, I attended three funeral services of godly saints who'd passed abroad. I was my 85-yr-old father-in-law, whose exemplary life and witness is at present but a cherished memory. For my married woman, who loved her father dearly, this question is thus no idle theological speculation. Fortunately, the Bible speaks conspicuously to information technology.

The uncomplicated answer—yes—rests on 2 pillars of Christian belief. One is the blessed promise that nosotros will see Jesus again (Titus 2:13). The other is the assurance that our nowadays bodies will be raised from the dead, immortal (1 Cor. xv:12-57). Together, these pillars provide a basis for believing nosotros will recognize our loved ones in heaven. Subsequently all, if nosotros tin recognize the Lord Jesus, possessing the perfectly restored and glorified bodies to practice so, information technology follows that we will recognize other believers, including our loved ones.

But to give more biblical shape and substance to this respond, we must distinguish between our temporary dwelling in sky (our "intermediate state") and our eternal home in the new sky and new earth (our ultimate destiny). Consider the following two propositions.

First, when we dice, nosotros are consciously and immediately in the presence of our Savior in heaven.

The Bible is clear that after death, two literal destinies await all humanity: eternal life and eternal decease (Rom. 6:23). Those who place their faith in Jesus Christ receive everlasting life. When a believer dies, her trunk remains in the grave, but her soul is consciously and immediately taken into the presence of Jesus. Our soul'southward immediate destiny is heaven, since Jesus himself ascended into sky (Acts 1:11) and is soon there preparing ...

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